Wild Game & Venison

Wild game meat is some of the most healthy meat you can eat. It is sustainable and free to roam, eating naturally non-enhanced feeds like most intensively farmed animals.

All the wild game we supply is sourced from local estates and processed on the farm.

Game Birds - Partridge & Pheasant
Wild Wood Pigeon

Local Venison - We supply only the best quality wild venison which is sourced locally from estates and farms in Kent, Surrey & Sussex.
As a chef by trade I hate to see any part of an animal wasted. Various cuts available along with whole carcass availability, to ensure that nothing goes to waste.

Wild Deer we Supply (subject to availability) -


(All deer are inspected and adheres to food standards guidelines & humanely dispatched by myself and other professional deer stalkers)

Reasons for Deer Control –
In the UK the wild deer population has boomed in recent years along with the restriction put in place due to the Covid Pandemic and the lack of control processes in place. It has been estimated that the wild deer population has increased by some 40% in recent years. This has been having an effect to the balance in the bio diversity of areas along with crop damage to local arable farms who depend on high yields of crops to survive.
As wild deer have no natural predators other than Humans (cars) and Dogs. It is necessary for numbers to be controlled to establish a healthy ecosystem to allow nature to thrive.
Woodland diversity is a very balanced ecology. If one species over dominates, the knock on affect to the rest of the area is affected. Deer would be classed as the apex predator of a woodland and can be highly destructive to trees and fauna (hedgerows/grasslands/lower tree margins) which in turn will see a decline of insects and songbirds as loss/damage to habitat.

Health Benefits of wild Venison Meat –
Among the reasons for venison’s increasing popularity are the meat’s nutritional value and the fact it is more environmentally friendly than other factory-farmed meats.
High In Protein, Low In Calories and Fat, Omega 3 & 6, High In Zinc, Sustainable natural meat, low carbon footprint.

All game comes oven ready & vacuum packed